书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.034 秒,为您找到 304 个相关结果.
  • Theming

    708 2019-04-26 《Dojo v5.0 Tutorials》
    Theming Overview Prerequisites Theming our widgets Creating a Theme Theming Dojo widgets Summary Theming Overview This tutorial will extend on previous tutorials where ...
  • Introduction

    546 2020-09-06 《Dojo v7.0 Tutorial》
    Introduction Basic usage Testing Dojo applications Running specific test suites Writing unit tests Writing functional tests Using assertions Introduction Dojo provides a ...
  • History managers

    History managers HashHistory StateHistory MemoryHistory History managers Dojo Routing comes with three history managers for managing an application’s navigation state, Ha...
  • Rendering widgets

    376 2020-09-06 《Dojo v7.0 Tutorial》
    Rendering widgets TSX support TSX-enabled applications TSX widget example Working with the VDOM VDOM node types Instantiating VDOM nodes Virtual nodes example Composition exa...
  • Application development lifecycle

    525 2020-09-06 《Dojo v7.0 Tutorial》
    Application development lifecycle Testing strategies Application development lifecycle Dojo provides an end-to-end pipeline for developing web applications. Application author...
  • Mocking

    Mocking 内置的 mock 中间件 Mock breakpoint 中间件 Mock focus 中间件 Mock iCache 中间件 Mock intersection 中间件 Mock node 中间件 Mock resize 中间件 Mock Store 中间件 Mock validity 中间件 自定义 Moc...
  • Working with themes

    421 2020-09-06 《Dojo v7.0 Tutorial》
    Working with themes Widget theme keys Theme key example Writing a theme Scaffolding themes for third-party widgets Compatible packages Distributing themes Using Dojo-provided...
  • Application development lifecycle

    553 2020-09-06 《Dojo v6.0 Tutorial》
    Application development lifecycle Testing strategies Application development lifecycle Dojo provides an end-to-end pipeline for developing web applications. Application author...
  • 历史管理器

    历史管理器 HashHistory StateHistory MemoryHistory 历史管理器 Dojo 路由自带三个历史管理器,用于管理应用程序的导航状态,分别是 HashHistory 、StateHistory 和 MemoryHistory 。默认使用 HashHistory ,但是可在创建 Router 或者使用 re...
  • Working with themes

    441 2020-09-06 《Dojo v6.0 Tutorial》
    Working with themes Widget theme keys Theme key example Writing a theme Scaffolding themes for third-party widgets Compatible packages Distributing themes Using Dojo-provided...