Redis Redis The Redis health checker is a custom health checker which checks Redis upstream hosts. It sends a Redis PING command and expect a PONG response. The upstream Redis ...
redis Plugin Examples redis Plugin This feature does not come with Caddy by default. To get it, select the redis plugin when you download Caddy. This plugin allows Caddy to...
Redis Redis The Redis health checker is a custom health checker (with envoy.health_checkers.redis as name) which checks Redis upstream hosts. It sends a Redis PING command and...
Redis 绑定规范 配置 Warning 元数据字段规范 绑定支持 创建Redis实例 Note 相关链接 Redis 绑定规范 Redis 组件绑定详细说明 配置 To setup Redis binding create a component of type bindings.redis . See this guide o...
Redis 1. 连接Redis 2. 通过 App ID 列出键 3. 获取特定状态数据 4. 获取 actor 状态 Redis 使用 Redis 作为后端状态存储 Dapr 在保存和检索状态时不会转换状态值。 Dapr requires all state store implementations to abide by a cert...
Redis 绑定规范 配置 Warning 元数据字段规范 绑定支持 创建Redis实例 Note 相关链接 Redis 绑定规范 Redis 组件绑定详细说明 配置 To setup Redis binding create a component of type bindings.redis . See this guide o...
Redis Component format Warning Spec metadata fields Setup Redis Note Related links Redis Detailed information on the Redis state store component Component format To setu...
OpenEBS for Redis Introduction Deployment model Configuration workflow Reference at Post deployment Operations Configuration details See Also: OpenEBS architectu...
OpenEBS for Redis Introduction Deployment model Configuration workflow Reference at Post deployment Operations Configuration details See Also: OpenEBS architectu...