Common Qt Classes QString Sequential Containers Associative Containers File IO More Classes Common Qt Classes Most Qt classes are derived from the QObject class. It encaps...
Qt Creator IDE Qt Creator IDE Qt Creator is the default integrated development environment for Qt. It’s written from Qt developers for Qt developers. The IDE is available on all...
Qt and C++ Qt and C++ Qt是QML与JavaScript的C++扩展工具包。有许多语言与Qt绑定,但是由于Qt是由C++开发的,C++的精神贯穿了整个Qt。在这一节中,我们着重从C++的角度介绍Qt,使用C++开发的本地插件来了解如何更好的扩展QML。通过C++,可以扩展和控制提供给QML的执行环境。 这章将讲解Qt,正如Qt...