服务器架构相关 1 s390x 架构 安装 MySQL 2 armv7l 架构 安装 MySQL 安装 OpenResty 服务器架构相关 1 s390x 架构 安装 MySQL 由于 MySQL 官方未提供 s390x 架构镜像,所以在应用商店启用 MySQL 前,需要手动修改 MySQL 镜像版本 MySQL 5.7 1、下载...
Install Dependencies Note Install Install Dependencies Note Since v2.0 Apache APISIX would not support the v2 protocol storage to etcd anymore, and the minimum etcd version ...
Build your own Docker images Build your own Docker images Kong is distributed as prebuilt apk , deb , and rpm packages, in addition to official Docker images hosted on DockerHu...
Build your own Docker images Build your own Docker images Kong is distributed as prebuilt apk , deb and rpm packages, in addition to official Docker images hosted on DockerHub...
Install Dependencies Note Install Install Dependencies Note Since v2.0 Apache APISIX would not support the v2 protocol storage to etcd anymore, and the minimum etcd version ...