书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.017 秒,为您找到 139 个相关结果.
  • Contributing

    Contributing Joining the project Building and Testing Bugs and Issues Contributing New contributions to the library are welcome, but we ask that you please follow these guid...
  • Contributing

    Contributing Joining the project Building and Testing Bugs and Issues Contributing New contributions to the library are welcome, but we ask that you please follow these guid...
  • Contributing

    Contributing Joining the project Building and Testing Bugs and Issues Contributing New contributions to the library are welcome, but we ask that you please follow these guid...
  • 贡献

    贡献 加入该项目 构建和测试 错误和问题 贡献 我们欢迎您对类库的贡献,但我们要求您遵循以下准则: 使用制表符缩进,而不是空格 只更改/src 中的单个文件 gulp lint 会为你运行eslint 来检查你的代码是否会通过代码标准 gulp test 检查你的代码是否会通过测试 保持pull请求简洁,并在相关的.md 文件中记录新的功能...
  • Chart.js

    Chart.js Installation Creating a Chart Contributing License Chart.js Installation You can download the latest version of Chart.js from the GitHub releases or use a Ch...
  • Chart.js

    Chart.js Installation Creating a Chart Contributing License Chart.js (opens new window) Installation You can get the latest version of Chart.js from npm (opens new wind...
  • Chart.js

    Chart.js Installation Creating a Chart Contributing License Chart.js (opens new window) Installation You can get the latest version of Chart.js from npm (opens new wi...
  • Chart.js

    Chart.js Installation Creating a Chart Contributing License Chart.js (opens new window) Installation You can get the latest version of Chart.js from npm (opens new wi...
  • Tooltip

    Tooltips Tooltip Configuration Position Modes Sort Callback Filter Callback Tooltip Callbacks Label Color Callback Tooltip Item Interface External (Custom) Tooltips Tooltip...
  • Introduction

    Chart.js Installation Creating a Chart Contributing License Chart.js Installation You can download the latest version of Chart.js from the GitHub releases or use a C...