Calico for Windows Calico for Windows 📄️ Limitations and known issuesReview limitations before starting installation. 📄️ QuickstartInstall Calico for Windows on a Kubernetes c...
Calico API Calico API Calico provides and consumes a public API in Go that allows developers to work with Calico resources. To learn more about the Calico API and how to use it...
Calico on OpenStack Calico on OpenStack There are many ways to try out Calico with OpenStack. We provide instructions for the following methods: Package-based install for Ubun...
Calico policy Calico policy 📄️ Get started with Calico network policyCreate your first Calico network policies. Shows the rich features using sample policies that extend native ...
Use Calico for NetworkPolicy Before you begin Creating a Calico cluster with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Creating a local Calico cluster with kubeadm What’s next Use Cali...
kube-controllers kube-controllers 📄️ Configuring the Calico Kubernetes controllersCalico Kubernetes controllers monitor the Kubernetes API and perform actions based on cluster s...
Use Calico for NetworkPolicy Before you begin Creating a Calico cluster with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Creating a local Calico cluster with kubeadm What’s next Use Cali...
Troubleshoot Calico for Windows Useful troubleshooting commands Troubleshoot kubectl exec fails with timeout for Windows pods kubelet fails to register, complains of node not fou...
Install Calico for Windows Big picture Value Before you begin How to Create a Linux cluster Ensure pods run on the correct nodes Prepare Windows nodes to join the Linux cluste...