书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.024 秒,为您找到 110 个相关结果.
  • Surround Sound Streaming and Recording

    Table of Contents: Overview Use cases: Setup Gaming and Streaming Services Support Compatible Streaming Services Incompatible Services Streaming Servers and Players C...
  • Surround Sound Streaming and Recording

    Table of Contents: Overview Use cases: Setup Gaming and Streaming Services Support Compatible Streaming Services Incompatible Services Streaming Servers and Players C...
  • 使用aiop实现事件等待模式

    事件等待模式,也就所谓的reactor模式,简单的讲就是通过监听等待io的事件,然后将等待就绪可以处理的事件,分发给对应的io处理程序进行处理,这种模式本身并不算是异步io,但是TBOX的asio库,在类unix系统上,也是基于此模型实现的,所以在讲解真正的异步io之前,首先稍微介绍介绍,对asio的底层机制有个大体了解。 在类unix系统,例如linu...
  • MongoDB · 特性分析 · 网络性能优化

    1640 2020-08-13 《数据库内核月报》
    从 C10K 说起 常用网络模型 官方 IO 模型分析 改进方案 网络框架对比 调研与验证 代码实现 回答四个问题 性能测试报告 测试环境 (standalone) workloada QPS(50% read + 50% update ) Latency update (同步模型) Latency update (异步模型) 总结...
  • C++ SDK

    C++ SDK Build TubeMQ C++ SDK C++ SDK API Producer Consumer Example C++ SDK Build TubeMQ C++ SDK C++ SDK is based on the non-boost asio, and the CMake is used for building,...
  • C++ SDK

    C++ SDK Build TubeMQ C++ SDK C++ SDK API Producer Consumer Example C++ SDK Build TubeMQ C++ SDK C++ SDK is based on the non-boost asio, and the CMake is used for building,...
  • C++ SDK

    C++ SDK Build TubeMQ C++ SDK C++ SDK API Producer Consumer Example C++ SDK Build TubeMQ C++ SDK C++ SDK is based on the non-boost asio, and the CMake is used for building,...
  • 裁剪和定制化编译

    v1.5.x以上版本 v1.4.x以下版本 默认配置 最小化编译 禁用浮点运算 默认编译出来的tbox库,支持的功能比较全,带有所有模块,并且支持ssl(依赖polarssl/openssl)、gzip(依赖zlib)、database(依赖sqlite3/mysql)。 因此生成的库文件偏大,而且会依赖三个第三方库,如果你用不到上述三个模块,...
  • C++ SDK

    C++ SDK Build TubeMQ C++ SDK C++ SDK API Producer Consumer Example C++ SDK Build TubeMQ C++ SDK C++ SDK is based on the non-boost asio, and the CMake is used for building,...
  • C++ SDK

    C++ SDK Build TubeMQ C++ SDK C++ SDK API Producer Consumer Example C++ SDK Build TubeMQ C++ SDK C++ SDK is based on the non-boost asio, and the CMake is used for building,...