识别图像至蜡笔 用法 选项 识别图像至蜡笔 参考 模式: 物体模式 菜单: 物体 ‣ 转换 ‣ 识别图像为蜡笔 The Trace Image to Grease Pencil tool traces a black and white image and generates Grease Pencil strokes. If the i...
识别图像至蜡笔 用法 选项 识别图像至蜡笔 参考 模式: 物体模式 菜单: 物体 ‣ 转换 ‣ 识别图像为蜡笔 The Trace Image to Grease Pencil tool traces a black and white image and generates Grease Pencil strokes. If the i...