书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.017 秒,为您找到 4359 个相关结果.
  • Django 2.1.5 release notes

    Django 2.1.5 release notes CVE-2019-3498: Content spoofing possibility in the default 404 page Bugfixes Django 2.1.5 release notes January 4, 2019 Django 2.1.5 fixes a secur...
  • Django 2.1.5 release notes

    Django 2.1.5 release notes CVE-2019-3498: Content spoofing possibility in the default 404 page Bugfixes Django 2.1.5 release notes January 4, 2019 Django 2.1.5 fixes a securi...
  • Configuration File

    Configuration File Configuration File The Pagekit configuration file is automatically created when you install Pagekit. If you want to change configuration settings manually, t...
  • Supported Dialects

    Supported Dialects MySQL MariaDB PostgreSQL CockroachDB (preview) SQLite Gremlin TiDB (preview) Supported Dialects MySQL MySQL supports all the features that are menti...
  • Supported Dialects

    Supported Dialects MySQL MariaDB PostgreSQL CockroachDB (preview) SQLite Gremlin TiDB (preview) Supported Dialects MySQL MySQL supports all the features that are menti...
  • File Associations

    Creating A New File Type Adding Additional Actions The Windows file association can be a bit fiddly - sometimes, if you install several copies of DB Browser for SQLite (various ...
  • 重大更改

    EF Core 5.0 中的中断性变更Breaking changes in EF Core 5.0 摘要Summary 从 SQLite NTS 扩展中删除了 HasGeometricDimension 方法Removed HasGeometricDimension method from SQLite NTS extension EF Cor...
  • 连接数据库

    MySQL PostgreSQL SQLite SQL Server 连接池 不支持的数据库 GORM 官方支持的数据库类型有: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQlite, SQL Server MySQL import ( "gorm.io/driver/mysql" "gorm.io/gorm" ...
  • Changes in 3.0

    Changes in 3.0 Backwards-incompatible Database Model Meta options Models Fields Querying Removed Extensions SQLite Extension New stuff SQLite Extension Changes in 3.0...
  • ORM数据库类型

    数据库类型 MySQL SQLite PostgreSQL 其他数据库的支持 数据库类型 由于go标准库的数据库操作对象采用接口实现,因此提供了非常好的可扩展性和兼容性。 MySQL 内置支持,无需额外扩展或第三方包接入,直接可用。 SQLite 在使用时需要引入第三方包: _ "github.com/mattn/go-sql...