Curvature 3D Curvature 3D A modifier based on radial curvatures of the underlying 3D surface. The curvature of a 2D curve at a point is a measure of how quickly the curve turn...
Curvature 3D Curvature 3D A modifier based on radial curvatures of the underlying 3D surface. The curvature of a 2D curve at a point is a measure of how quickly the curve turn...
Curvature 3D Curvature 3D A modifier based on radial curvatures of the underlying 3D surface. The curvature of a 2D curve at a point is a measure of how quickly the curve turn...
3D 粒子 功能说明 3D 粒子 Cocos Creator 在 v2.3 中新增了对 3D 粒子的支持,包括了 3D 粒子基础功能。功能基本与 Creator 3D 一致,目前提供了包括 Shape、Color、Velocity、Size、序列帧、拖尾等数十个模块选择,可以组合出各类粒子效果。但目前存在版本功能上的差异,未来将会继续完善同步,...