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  • PhysicsDirectSpaceState

    PhysicsDirectSpaceState Brief Description Methods Description Tutorials Method Descriptions PhysicsDirectSpaceState Inherits: Object Category: Core Brief Descriptio...
  • Physics 3D

    3D Physics System Introduction Physics Worlds Physics Work Flow Add Physics Elements 3D Physics System Introduction The physics system is a crucial component of game engi...
  • Follow Track Constraint 跟踪轨迹

    Follow Track Constraint 跟踪轨迹 选项 例子 Follow Track Constraint 跟踪轨迹 By default the Follow Track constraint is making objects have the same position at a frame as the track has. Th...
  • Follow Track Constraint 跟踪轨迹

    Follow Track Constraint 跟踪轨迹 选项 例子 Follow Track Constraint 跟踪轨迹 By default the Follow Track constraint is making objects have the same position at a frame as the track has. T...
  • Wave Modifier

    46 2024-06-26 《Blender 4.1 Manual》
    Wave Modifier Options Start Position Time Texture Technical Details and Hints Wave Modifier The Wave modifier adds a ripple-like motion to an object’s geometry. This modif...
  • Follow Track Constraint 跟踪轨迹

    Follow Track Constraint 跟踪轨迹 选项 例子 Follow Track Constraint 跟踪轨迹 By default the Follow Track constraint is making objects have the same position at a frame as the track has. Th...
  • 飞行/步行导航

    飞行/步行导航 步行导航 用法 飞行导航 用法 飞行/步行导航 在某些情况下,最好使用第一人称控制视角导航,尤其是对于大型环境,如建筑模型。在这些情况下,围绕视图中心的视轨作用有限。虽然可以使用缩放、平移和滑动,但这很不方便。 使用行走/飞行模式,可以在场景中各处导航,并会从相机位置旋转视角(译者注:以视图相机为视角旋转中心)。 视图导...
  • Physics2DDirectSpaceState

    Physics2DDirectSpaceState Brief Description Methods Description Tutorials Method Descriptions Physics2DDirectSpaceState Inherits: Object Category: Core Brief Descri...
  • Query Profiling

    Query Profiling Reading EXPLAIN Output EXPLAIN Example Reading EXPLAIN ANALYZE Output EXPLAIN ANALYZE Examples Determining the Query Optimizer Examining Query Plans to Solve P...
  • 鼠标和输入坐标

    鼠标和输入坐标 关于 硬件显示坐标 视区显示坐标 鼠标和输入坐标 关于 这个小教程旨在理清许多关于输入坐标、获取鼠标位置和屏幕分辨率等的常见错误。 硬件显示坐标 使用硬件坐标在编写要在 PC 上运行的复杂 UI 时是有意义的,比如编辑器、网络游戏、工具等。然而,在这个范围之外,它就没有那么大的意义了。 视区显示坐标 Godot 使用视区...