书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.014 秒,为您找到 1341 个相关结果.
  • Add/Remove Monitor(s)

    571 2019-12-29 《Ceph v15.0 Document》
    Add/Remove Monitors Add a Monitor Remove a Monitor Add/Remove Monitors With ceph-deploy , adding and removing monitors is a simple task. You justadd or remove one or more mon...
  • The Standard of Code Review

    The Standard of Code Review Mentoring Principles Resolving Conflicts The Standard of Code Review The primary purpose of code review is to make sure that the overall code heal...
  • Make a Design

    Make a Design Proposal Before writing a design document Process Make a Design Proposal Many changes including bug fixes and documentation improvements, can be implemented ...
  • TokuDB·社区八卦·TokuDB团队

    1263 2020-08-13 《数据库内核月报》
    第一期先介绍下TokuDB团队吧。 TokuDB自从开源后(更赞的是开源了所有的commits),逐渐被大家所熟悉,MariaDB 5.5系列和Percona Server 5.6的GA版本中,都以plugin的方式集成。 3位(Tokutek)创始人: Michael A. Bender , Martín Farach-Colton , Bradl...
  • Overview

    System architecture TiKV PD This page provides an overview of the TiKV architecture. System architecture The overall architecture of TiKV is as follows: The architecture of...
  • 节点直连MySQL

    节点直连MySQL 逻辑架构图 节点搭建 准备依赖 生成配置文件 使用build_chain搭建区块链 修改节点ini文件 修改node0下的group.1.ini配置 修改node1下的group.1.ini配置 修改node1下的group.2.ini配置 修改node2下的group.2.ini配置 启动节点 检查进程 检查日志...
  • Swarm中的Manger节点

    Swarm中的manager节点 Manager节点的法定人数(quorum) Manager节点配置静态IP地址 Manager节点的容错 分布式manager节点 Manager-only节点 Manager节点的故障排查 Swarm中的manager节点 Swarm中的manager节点使用Raft Consensus 算法来管理S...
  • 介绍 Kudu

    介绍 Kudu Kudu-Impala 集成特性 概念和术语 架构概述 案例示例 下一步 介绍 Kudu 原文链接 : http://kudu.apache.org/docs/index.html 译文链接 : http://cwiki.apachecn.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=10813605...
  • Make a Design

    Make a Design Proposal Before writing a design document Process Make a Design Proposal Many changes including bug fixes and documentation improvements, can be implemented ...
  • Overview

    System architecture TiKV PD This page provides an overview of the TiKV architecture. System architecture The overall architecture of TiKV is as follows: The architecture ...