Imports Types Vars Consts Procs Templates Source Edit This module implements the basics for Linux distribution (“distro”) detection and the OS’s native package manage...
Introduction Overview Features Supervisor Components Platform Requirements Introduction Overview Supervisor is a client/server system that allows its users to control a n...
18 Agent vs agent 2 comparison 18 Agent vs agent 2 comparison This section describes the differences between the Zabbix agent and the Zabbix agent 2. Parameter Zabbix agent Zab...
Installation Windows Mac OS X Linux / BSD Summary Installation Let’s see how to get Vim installed on your computer. Windows If you use Microsoft Windows, then the follow...
1 Items supported by platform Footnotes 1 Items supported by platform The table displays support for Zabbix agent items on various platforms: Items marked with “X ” are sup...
Targets Targets Zig supports generating code for all targets that LLVM supports. Here is what it looks like to execute zig targets on a Linux x86_64 computer: $ zig targets ...
18 Agent vs agent 2 comparison 18 Agent vs agent 2 comparison This section describes the differences between the Zabbix agent and the Zabbix agent 2. Parameter Zabbix agent Za...