Goals Prerequisites Steps 1. Create and save a Terraform plan 2. Convert the Terraform plan into JSON 3. Write the OPA policy to check the plan 4. Evaluate the OPA policy on t...
Goals Prerequisites Steps 1. Create and save a Terraform plan 2. Convert the Terraform plan into JSON 3. Write the OPA policy to check the plan 4. Evaluate the OPA policy on t...
Goals Prerequisites Steps 1. Create an empty policy definition that will allow all requests. 2. Create policy bundle and OPA configuration. 3. Install the opa-docker-authz plug...
Status Service API Status OPA can periodically report status updates to remote HTTP servers. The updates contain status information for OPA itself as well as the Bundles that h...
Status Service API Local Status Logs Prometheus Status Metrics OPA can periodically report status updates to remote HTTP servers. The updates contain status information for OPA...
Decision Log Service API Local Decision Logs Masking Sensitive Data OPA can periodically report decision logs to remote HTTP servers. The decision logs contain events that desc...
Decision Log Service API Local Decision Logs Masking Sensitive Data OPA can periodically report decision logs to remote HTTP servers. The decision logs contain events that desc...
Monitoring Prometheus Health Checks Status API Monitoring Monitoring Prometheus OPA exposes an HTTP endpoint that can be used to collect performance metrics for all API c...