@babel/plugin-proposal-throw-expressions Example Installation Usage Via .babelrc (Recommended) Via CLI Via Node API References @babel/plugin-proposal-throw-expressions ...
@babel/plugin-proposal-export-namespace-from Example Installation Usage Via .babelrc (Recommended) Via CLI Via Node API References @babel/plugin-proposal-export-namespac...
@babel/plugin-proposal-throw-expressions Example Installation Usage Via .babelrc (Recommended) Via CLI Via Node API References @babel/plugin-proposal-throw-expressions ...
JSX Syntax Support JSX Syntax Support JSX is a syntax extension to JavaScript, popularly known to build web applications using React . JSX is not part of any official ECMAScri...
4.6 Conclusion: Why does JavaScript have both normal global variables and the global object? 4.6 Conclusion: Why does JavaScript have both normal global variables and the globa...
Strings and Regular Expressions Strings and Regular Expressions Strings are arguably one of the most important data types in programming. They’re in nearly every higher-level p...
About the author Please support this book: buy it (PDF, EPUB, MOBI) or donate About the author Dr. Axel Rauschmayer has been programming since 1985 and developing web app...
Type-Only Imports and Export ECMAScript Private Fields Which should I use? export * as ns Syntax Top-Level await es2020 for target and module JSDoc Property Modifiers B...
Improved Array Capabilities Summary Creating Arrays " level="3"> Creating Arrays The Array.of() Method The Array.from() Method Mapping Conversion Use on Iterables New Met...
const declarations const declarations The other new ES6 declaration type supported in TypeScript is const . A const variable may not be assigned to, and must be initialized wh...