参与 Kotlin 早期访问计划 How the EAP can help you be more productive with Kotlin Build details 参与 Kotlin 早期访问计划 You can participate in the Kotlin Early Access Preview (EAP) to try out...
Chapter 13. Writing Build Scripts 编写构建脚本 13.1. The Gradle build language 构建语言 13.2. The Project API 项目 API 13.2.1. Standard project properties 标准 project 属性 13.3. The Script API...
22.13.4.通过系统属性执行单独测试 22.13.4.通过系统属性执行单独测试 如上所述该机制已经被测试过滤取代 译者注:被取代的东西就先不翻译了 Setting a system property of taskName.single = testNamePattern will only execute tests that ma...
符号化 iOS 崩溃报告 Producing .dSYM for release Kotlin binaries Make frameworks static when using rebuild from bitcode Decode inlined stack frames 符号化 iOS 崩溃报告 Debugging an iOS appl...