书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.028 秒,为您找到 1341 个相关结果.
  • Design of runtime reconfiguration

    Two phase config changes keep the cluster safe Permanent loss of quorum requires new cluster Do not use public discovery service for runtime reconfiguration Runtime reconfigura...
  • Concepts

    Notable Features Architecture Codebase, Inspiration, and Culture We are currently refactoring our documentation. Please excuse any problems you may find and report them here ....
  • 2.2. Byzantine Failure

    754 2019-05-22 《TiKV deep dive》
    Byzantine Failure Consensus algorithms are typically either Byzantine Fault Tolerant, or not. Succinctly, systems which can withstand Byzantine faults are able to withstand misbe...
  • Glossary

    Glossary Terms Concepts Glossary Terms It’s helpful to understand a few terms before reading our architecture documentation. Term Definition A AST (Abstract syntax tre...
  • 机构A、C构建群组2

    机构A、C构建群组2 机构A发送节点信息 机构C修改配置文件 机构C生成并发送节点信息 机构C生成群组2创世区块 机构C生成所属节点 机构A为现有节点初始化群组2 查看群组2节点运行状态 机构A、C构建群组2 接下来,机构C需要与A进行新群组建立操作,示例中以C生成创世区块为例。 机构A发送节点信息 由于机构A已经生成过节点证书及...
  • 一键部署

    一键部署 下载安装 示例分析 使用说明 机构填写节点信息 搭建节点 启动节点 查看节点运行状态 使用控制台 新建群组及扩容 一键部署 本章主要以部署2机构1群组4节点 的组网模式,为用户讲解单机构一键部署企业级部署工具的使用方法。 本教程适用于单机构搭建所有节点的部署方式,企业级部署工具多机构部署教程可以参考使用企业级部署工具 。...
  • 2.3. Paxos

    624 2019-05-22 《TiKV deep dive》
    Paxos Paxos is a protocol that Leslie Lamport and others have written extensively about. The most succinct paper describing Paxos is “Paxos Made Easy” published by Lamport in 20...
  • 3.8. Essential packages

    3.8. Essential packages 3.8. Essential packages Essential is defined as the minimal set of functionality that must be available and usable on the system at all times, even when...
  • Glossary

    Glossary Glossary Authorization Server The authorization server asks resource owners for their consensus to let client applications access their data. It also manages and issu...
  • 源码解析部分

    这部分将会对tendermint的源代码进行探究 tendermint的主要的模块示意图如下: node是整个tendermint的启动节点的命令,在这里可以看见所有的数据,所有的模块都将为node模块提供服务。 evidence模块为每一个peer收到的数据提供验证的功能 config是配置拂去文件,主要完成的是读取tendermint的配置文件 b...