Qt 6 Introduction Qt Quick Digesting a User Interface Qt 6 Introduction Qt Quick Qt Quick is the umbrella term for the user interface technology used in Qt 6. It was introduc...
6. 注释 6. 注释 可以用注释加入描述性文本,他们并不在模板引擎中输出。注释可以有助于你的记忆或者想其他人解释你的VTL语句正在做什么。 ## This is a single line comment. 单行注释以##开始,并在本行结束。如果需要加入多行注释,并不需要加入很多的单行注释。多行注释,以#开始并以#结束可以处理这种情况。...
Targets Target Features Targets rustc is a cross-compiler by default. This means that you can use any compiler to build for anyarchitecture. The list of targets are the possi...
6 Application Profiles Profile Repositories Profile Defaults 6 Application Profiles When you create a Grails application with the create-app command by default the "web" pro...