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  • Apache Avro

    Apache Avro Avro extension Apache Avro Avro extension This Apache Druid extension enables Druid to ingest and understand the Apache Avro data format. This extension provides...
  • Apache Kafka

    Apache Kafka ingestion Tutorial Submitting a Supervisor Spec Supervisor Configuration KafkaSupervisorTuningConfig IndexSpec Bitmap types SegmentWriteOutMediumFactory KafkaSup...
  • Apache Kafka

    Apache Kafka ingestion Tutorial Submitting a Supervisor Spec Supervisor Configuration KafkaSupervisorTuningConfig IndexSpec Bitmap types SegmentWriteOutMediumFactory KafkaSup...
  • Apache Flink

    Running Apache Flink on Alluxio Prerequisites Configuration Set property in core-site.xml Specify path to core-site.xml in conf/flink-conf.yaml Distribute the Alluxio Client ...
  • Apache Hive

    Running Apache Hive with Alluxio Prerequisites Basic Setup Example: Create New Hive Tables in Alluxio Prepare Data in Alluxio Create a New Internal Table Create a New External ...
  • Apache Spark

    Running Spark on Alluxio Overview Prerequisites Basic Setup Examples: Use Alluxio as Input and Output Access Data Only in Alluxio Access Data in Under Storage Advanced Setup ...
  • Apache Hive

    Running Apache Hive with Alluxio Prerequisites Basic Setup Example: Create New Hive Tables in Alluxio Prepare Data in Alluxio Create a New Internal Table Create a New External ...
  • Apache Hive

    Running Apache Hive with Alluxio Prerequisites Basic Setup Example: Create New Hive Tables in Alluxio Prepare Data in Alluxio Create a New Internal Table Create a New External ...
  • Apache HBase

    Running Apache HBase on Alluxio Prerequisites Basic Setup Set property in hbase-site.xml Distribute the Alluxio Client jar Example Advanced Setup Alluxio in HA mode Add addi...
  • Apache Spark

    Pulsar adaptor for Apache Spark 先决条件 Maven Gradle 用法 Pulsar adaptor for Apache Spark Pulsar的Spark Streaming receiver经过专门的定制,使 Apache Spark Streaming 能够从Pulsar接收数据. 应用程序可以...