Chapter 5 Scrubbing Data Chapter 5 Scrubbing Data Two chapters ago, in Step 1 of the OSEMN model for data science, we looked at how to obtain data from a variety of sources. It...
Chapter 4 Creating Reusable Command-line Tools Chapter 4 Creating Reusable Command-line Tools Throughout the book, we use a lot of commands and pipelines that basically fit on ...
The Why of Jug Why jug? A Bit of History Design Criteria The Why of Jug This explains the philosophy behind jug and some of its design decisions. Why jug? A Bit of Histor...
7.3 Geographic data packages 7.3 Geographic data packages A multitude of R packages have been developed for accessing geographic data, some of which are presented in Table 7.1 ...
Xarray related projects Geosciences Machine Learning Other domains Extend xarray capabilities Visualization Non-Python projects Xarray related projects Here below is a li...
Why use TimescaleDB Why use TimescaleDB TimescaleDB is a relational database for time-series data . It is implemented as an extension to PostgreSQL, which means that it runs wi...
9.5 Regression with SciKit-Learn Laboratory 9.5.1 Preparing the Data 9.5.2 Running the Experiment 9.5.3 Parsing the Results 9.5 Regression with SciKit-Learn Laboratory In th...
Discombobulator Activation Interface Instructions Protrusions Settings Doodads Settings Materials Settings Discombobulator This add-on creates a greeble object based on se...