Test Utils Test Utils Contains utilities helpful when testing peewee projects. class count_queries ([only_select=False]) Context manager that will count the number of queries...
Connecting using a Database URL Connecting using a Database URL The playhouse module Database URL provides a helper connect() function that accepts a database URL and return...
Signal support Connecting handlers Signal API Signal support Models with hooks for signals (a-la django) are provided inplayhouse.signals . To use the signals, you will need ...
Bulk inserts Inserting rows in batches Alternatives Bulk-loading from another table Bulk inserts There are a couple of ways you can load lots of data quickly. The naiveappro...
SQL Helper SQL Helper There are times when you may want to simply pass in some arbitrary sql. You can do this using the special SQL class. One use-case is when referencing an...
Expressions Row values Expressions Peewee is designed to provide a simple, expressive, and pythonic way ofconstructing SQL queries. This section will provide a quick overview ...
Window functions Ordered Windows Partitioned Windows Bounded windows Filtered Aggregates Reusing Window Definitions Multiple window definitions Frame types: RANGE vs ROWS vs ...