Create an RBAC User Admins vs. RBAC users Prerequisites Add an RBAC user in Kong Manager Create an RBAC User Admins vs. RBAC users Admin API Kong Manager Admins ✔️ ✔️ RBA...
User Select Quick reference Basic usage Disabling text selection Allowing text selection Selecting all text in one click Using auto select behaviour Applying conditionally Ho...
DROP USER 语法图 示例 MySQL 兼容性 另请参阅 DROP USER DROP USER 语句用于从 TiDB 系统数据库中删除用户。如果用户不存在,使用关键词 IF EXISTS 可避免出现警告。执行 DROP USER 语句需要拥有 CREATE USER 权限。 语法图 DropUserStmt ::= ...
ALTER USER 语法图 示例 MySQL 兼容性 另请参阅 ALTER USER ALTER USER 语句用于更改 TiDB 权限系统内的已有用户。和 MySQL 一样,在 TiDB 权限系统中,用户是用户名和用户名所连接主机的组合。因此,可创建一个用户 'newuser2'@'' ,使其只能通过 IP 地址 1...
CREATE USER 语法图 示例 MySQL 兼容性 另请参阅 CREATE USER CREATE USER 语句用于创建带有指定密码的新用户。和 MySQL 一样,在 TiDB 权限系统中,用户是用户名和用户名所连接主机的组合。因此,可创建一个用户 'newuser2'@'' ,使其只能通过 IP 地址 192....
> User object User Media > User object The following objects are directly related to the user API. User The user object has the following properties. Property Type ...
User List User List only Administrator can use this function Description To add a user, click the Add User button at the top of the page The three icons in the last c...