Accessing the web console Viewing cluster information Configuring the web console Customizing the web console Developer perspective Web terminal Disabling the web console Cr...
Home Data loader Datasources Segments Tasks and supervisors Servers Query Lookups Druid includes a console for managing datasources, segments, tasks, data processes (Histo...
6.1. WEB 安全 6.1. WEB 安全 CUBA 开发的应用程序安全吗? CUBA 框架作为开发框架遵循了良好的安全实践,为 web 应用程序中最通常最易受攻击的部分做了自动防护。平台架构提供了安全编程模型,可以使得开发者专注于业务和程序逻辑。 用户界面(UI)状态和验证 Web 客户端 是个服务器端的应用,应用中所有的状态、业务...
Compiling for the Web Requirements Building export templates Building per asm.js translation or LLVM backend Compiling for the Web Requirements To compile export templates...
Exporting for the Web WebGL 2 Limitations Using cookies for data persistence Full screen and mouse capture Audio autoplay HTTPClient and HTTPRequest Exported .html file mu...