书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.019 秒,为您找到 1263 个相关结果.
  • Overview

    Overview Why tsuru? Fast, easy and continuous deployment Scaling Reliable Open source Overview tsuru is an extensible and open source Platform as a Service (PaaS) that mak...
  • I. 代码实现

    I. 代码实现 1.1 输入验证 1.2 执行命令 1.3 文件操作 1.4 网络请求 1.5 数据输出 1.6 响应输出 1.7 执行代码 1.8 Web跨域 1.9 SQL操作 1.10 NoSQL操作 1.11 服务器端渲染(SSR) 1.12 URL跳转 1.13 Cookie与登录态 I. 代码实现 1....
  • SQL 引擎概述

    是否具备一个完整的 SQL引擎,是区别通用关系型数据库和 NoSQL 以及 NewSQL 产品的重要标志。 OceanBase 把自己定位为一款金融级关系型云数据库,在 SQL 引擎层面完全兼容 MySQL,表达式层面全面兼容所有的 MySQL 数据类型和字符集、时区等。 SQL 引擎往往可以分为编译器和执行引擎两个部分,SQL 编译器完成把用户输...
  • Metadata

    Project Metadata Project Metadata A project’s metadata typically contains a number of database connections (relational or NoSQL), logging configurations and so on. This metadata...
  • Metadata

    Project Metadata Project Metadata A project’s metadata typically contains a number of database connections (relational or NoSQL), logging configurations and so on. This metadata...
  • Metadata

    Project Metadata Project Metadata A project’s metadata typically contains a number of database connections (relational or NoSQL), logging configurations and so on. This metadata...
  • ORM

    ORM 实现对象关系映射或数据映射技术的库。 关系型数据库 Django Models:Django 的一部分。官网 SQLAlchemy:Python SQL 工具以及对象关系映射工具。官网 awesome-sqlalchemy 系列 Peewee :一个小巧,富有表达力的 ORM。官网 PonyORM:提供面向生成器的 SQL 接口的...
  • Use a database

    Use a database Use a database Writing database code can be tricky. Unless you really know what you’re doing, it’s a bad idea to paste raw SQL query strings into your applicatio...
  • Going further

    Going further Going further The Vert.x website is of course the authority on all things Vert.x. There are many features and modules that we haven’t covered in this guide, suc...
  • Quickstart

    583 2020-05-08 《Rook 0.9 Document》
    Quickstart Guides Quickstart Guides Welcome to Rook! We hope you have a great experience installing the Rook storage platform to enable highly available, durable storage in you...