书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.008 秒,为您找到 412 个相关结果.
  • [英文] Django Girls Tutorial: Extensions

    In this manual we are going to explain to you how Django Girls works, what you need to do and how to get started. So... let's get into details:
  • The rustc book

    rustc is the compiler for the Rust programming language, provided by the project itself. Compilers take your source code and produce binary code, either as a library or executable.
  • Apache IoTDB User Guide (V0.10.x)

    Apache IoTDB (incubating) (Database for Internet of Things) is an integrated data management engine designed for timeseries data. It provides users with services for data collectio...
  • PyMongo 3.10.0 Documentation

    PyMongo is a Python distribution containing tools for working with MongoDB, and is the recommended way to work with MongoDB from Python. This documentation attempts to explain ever...
  • PyMongo 3.12.2 Documentation

    PyMongo is a Python distribution containing tools for working with MongoDB, and is the recommended way to work with MongoDB from Python. This documentation attempts to explain ever...
  • UglifyJS 2 中文文档

    UglifyJS 是一个js 解释器、最小化器、压缩器、美化器工具集(UglifyJS is a JavaScript parser, minifier, compressor and beautifier toolkit)。
  • Boost.Asio network programming little book

    This little book is a whirlwind tour of Boost.Asio network programming. It assumes the readers are already familiar with UNIX socket programming, and just want to grasp Boost.Asio ...
  • Keras 2.3 Documentation

    Keras is a high-level neural networks API, written in Python and capable of running on top of TensorFlow, CNTK, or Theano. It was developed with a focus on enabling fast experiment...
  • Rust By Example(英文)

    Rust is a modern systems programming language focusing on safety, speed, and concurrency. It accomplishes these goals by being memory safe without using garbage collection.
  • Tinker - 微信开源的 Android 热修复框架

    微信开源的 Android 热修复框架 Tinker,支持在无需升级APK的前提下更新 dex, library and resources 文件。