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  • swan.ai.faceDetect

    swan.ai.faceDetect 方法参数 object参数说明 : success 返回参数说明 face_list 参数说明 location 返回值说明 angel 返回值说明 expression 返回值说明 face_shape 返回值说明 gender 返回值说明 glasses 返回值说明 eye_status 返回值说明...
  • Fill

    21 2024-12-01 《Blender 4.3 Manual》
    Fill Fill Reference Mode: Edit Mode Menu: Face ‣ Fill Shortcut: Alt-F The Fill option will create triangular faces from any group of selected edges or vertices, as long a...
  • 测试

    Testing – Time to Test What We Have Done So Far! 为啥要单元测试 注意 为 Vue 方程式进行单元测试 Tip 为我们的购物清单方程式写单元测试 测试 actions, getters, mutations 良好的测试条件 代码覆盖率 模拟服务器响应编写异步测试 测试组件 Tip 为我们...
  • Fill

    141 2024-06-26 《Blender 4.1 Manual》
    Fill Fill Reference Mode: Edit Mode Menu: Face ‣ Fill Shortcut: Alt-F The Fill option will create triangular faces from any group of selected edges or vertices, as long a...
  • swan.ai.faceDetect

    swan.ai.faceDetect 方法参数 object 参数说明 success 返回参数说明 result 参数说明 face_list 参数说明 location 返回值说明 angel 返回值说明 expression 返回值说明 face_shape 返回值说明 gender 返回值说明 glasses 返回值说明 eye_...
  • LivePusher

    776 2021-08-19 《Taro v3.2 教程》
    LivePusher 类型 示例代码 LivePusherProps API 支持度 orientation localMirror audioReverbType audioVolumeType onStateChangeEventDetail onNetstatusEventDetail onErrorEventDetail onBg...
  • Intro to OpenSearch

    Introduction to OpenSearch Document Index Clusters and nodes Shards Primary and replica shards Inverted index Relevance Advanced concepts Update lifecycle Translog Refresh...
  • 3.4 Converting Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets

    3.4 Converting Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets 3.4 Converting Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets For many people, Microsoft Excel offers an intuitive way to work with small data sets an...
  • 6. 高亮每列的最大值

    6. 高亮每列的最大值 In [ 61 ]: pd . options . display . max_rows = 8 # 读取college数据集,INSTNM作为列 In [ 62 ]: college = pd . read_csv ( 'data/college.csv' , index_col = 'INST...
  • Intro to OpenSearch

    Introduction to OpenSearch Document Index Clusters and nodes Shards Primary and replica shards Inverted index Relevance Advanced concepts Update lifecycle Translog Refresh...