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  • Traffic

    limit-req limit-conn limit-count proxy-cache request-validation proxy-mirror api-breaker traffic-split request-id proxy-control client-control
  • Traffic

    limit-req limit-conn limit-count proxy-cache request-validation proxy-mirror api-breaker traffic-split request-id
  • Traffic

    limit-req limit-conn limit-count proxy-cache request-validation proxy-mirror api-breaker traffic-split request-id client-control
  • Traffic

    limit-req limit-conn limit-count proxy-cache request-validation proxy-mirror api-breaker traffic-split request-id proxy-control client-control
  • Traffic

    limit-req limit-conn limit-count proxy-cache request-validation proxy-mirror api-breaker traffic-split request-id client-control
  • Traffic Management

    Traffic Management Introducing Istio traffic management Virtual services Why use virtual services? Virtual service example The hosts field Routing rules Match condition Destina...
  • Traffic Routing

    了解流量路由 前端和后端 协议 流量路由 TCP TLS HTTP 未匹配的流量 服务类型 LoadBalancer 和 NodePort 服务 无头服务 ExternalName 服务 ServiceEntry 了解流量路由 Istio 的目标之一是充当可以投入到现有集群中的“透明代理”,允许流量像以前一样流动。 然而,由...
  • Traffic Management

    Traffic Management Destination Rule Envoy Filter Gateway ProxyConfig Service Entry Sidecar Virtual Service Workload Entry Workload Group Traffic Management Describes ho...
  • Traffic Management

    Traffic Management Protocol Selection Managing In-Mesh Certificates Understanding TLS Configuration Understanding Traffic Routing Understanding DNS Configuring Gateway Network...
  • HTTP Traffic

    HTTP Traffic Before you begin Configure access control for workloads using HTTP traffic Clean up HTTP Traffic This task shows you how to set up Istio authorization policy of ...