Mutable Variables 7.1 Chapter 7 Introduction 7.2 Why is this a hard problem? 7.3 Memory in LLVM 7.4 Mutable Variables in Kaleidoscope 7.5 Adjusting Existing Variables for Muta...
Kicking the Tires Kicking the Tires It is somewhat hard to believe, but with a few simple extensions we’ve covered in the last chapters, we have grown a real-ish language. With...
Chapter 4 ( JIT and Optimizer Support ) Chapter 4 ( JIT and Optimizer Support ) In the previous chapter we were able to map our language Syntax into the LLVM IR and print it ou...
‘if’ Expressions ‘if’ Expressions Extending Kaleidoscope to support if/then/else is quite straightforward. It basically requires adding lexer support for this “new” concept to ...
Control Flow 5.1 If/Then/Else 5.1.1 Lexer Extensions for If/Then/Else 5.1.2 AST Extensions for If/Then/Else 5.1.3 Parser Extensions for If/Then/Else 5.1.4 LLVM IR for If/Then/...