书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.031 秒,为您找到 2642 个相关结果.
  • Ceph Storage

    839 2020-05-08 《Rook 1.0 Document》
    Ceph Storage Design Ceph Storage Ceph is a highly scalable distributed storage solution for block storage , object storage , and shared file systems with years of production ...
  • Ceph Storage

    338 2020-05-08 《Rook 0.8 Document》
    Ceph Storage Ceph Storage Rook provides three types of storage to the Kubernetes cluster with the Ceph operator. Block Storage : Mount storage to a single pod Object Storage ...
  • Ceph Cleanup

    394 2020-05-08 《Rook 0.8 Document》
    Cleaning up a Cluster Delete the Block and File artifacts Delete the Cluster CRD Delete the Operator Delete the data on hosts Troubleshooting Removing the Cluster CRD Finalizer...
  • Ceph Storage

    625 2020-05-08 《Rook 0.9 Document》
    Ceph Storage Design Ceph Storage Ceph is a highly scalable distributed storage solution for block storage , object storage , and shared file systems with years of production ...
  • Ceph Storage

    399 2020-05-08 《Rook 0.9 Document》
    Ceph Storage Quickstart Minimum Version Prerequisites TL;DR Deploy the Rook Operator Create a Rook Cluster Storage Ceph Dashboard Tools Monitoring Teardown Ceph Stora...
  • Ceph Authorization

    Goals Prerequisites Steps 1. Start Minikube 2. Deploy the Rook Operator 3. Deploy OPA on top of Kubernetes 4. Create a Ceph Cluster 5. Configure Ceph to use OPA 6. Create th...
  • Ceph集群

    Ceph集群 示例环境说明 准备工作 创建 Secret 创建 StorageClass 创建 PVC 创建工作负载 检查结果 Ceph集群 本文档介绍了如何在 KubeCube 上接入 Ceph 集群。 示例环境说明 产品 版本 Kubernetes v1.20.9 KubeCube v1.0.2 Ceph 15.2.1 准备...
  • Install Ceph

    Install Ceph Which plugin to select for Ceph Ceph CSI RBD Chart configurations StorageClass (including secret) Add-on configurations Ceph RBD Chart configurations Add-on conf...
  • 安装 Ceph

    安装 Ceph Which plugin to select for Ceph Ceph CSI RBD Chart configurations StorageClass (including secret) Add-on configurations Ceph RBD Chart configurations Add-on configura...
  • Ceph Foundation

    724 2020-12-05 《Ceph v15.2 Document》
    Ceph Foundation Members Premier General Associate Governing Board Members Joining Ceph Foundation The Ceph Foundation exists to enable industry members to collaborate an...