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  • 62. Boost.Log

    Chapter 62. Boost.Log Chapter 62. Boost.Log Boost.Log is the logging library in Boost. It supports numerous back-ends to log data in various formats. Back-ends are accessed th...
  • 60. Boost.Random

    Chapter 60. Boost.Random Chapter 60. Boost.Random The library Boost.Random provides numerous random number generators that allow you to decide how random numbers should be gen...
  • 59. Boost.MinMax

    Chapter 59. Boost.MinMax Chapter 59. Boost.MinMax Boost.MinMax provides an algorithm to find the minimum and the maximum of two values using only one function call, which is m...
  • 53. Boost.Parameter

    Chapter 53. Boost.Parameter Note Chapter 53. Boost.Parameter Boost.Parameter makes it possible to pass parameters as key/value pairs. In addition to supporting function param...
  • 47. Boost.MPI

    Chapter 47. Boost.MPI Chapter 47. Boost.MPI Boost.MPI provides an interface to the MPI standard (Message Passing Interface). This standard simplifies the development of progra...
  • 45. Boost.Atomic

    Chapter 45. Boost.Atomic Note Tip Chapter 45. Boost.Atomic Boost.Atomic provides the class boost::atomic , which can be used to create atomic variables. They are called atom...
  • 38. Boost.Timer

    Chapter 38. Boost.Timer Chapter 38. Boost.Timer Boost.Timer provides clocks to measure code performance. At first, it may seem like this library competes with Boost.Chrono. Ho...
  • 35. Boost.Filesystem

    Chapter 35. Boost.Filesystem Chapter 35. Boost.Filesystem The library Boost.Filesystem makes it easy to work with files and directories. It provides a class called boost::file...
  • 31. Boost.Graph

    Chapter 31. Boost.Graph Chapter 31. Boost.Graph Boost.Graph provides tools to work with graphs. Graphs are two-dimensional point clouds with any number of lines between points...
  • 29. Boost.Algorithm

    Chapter 29. Boost.Algorithm Exercise Chapter 29. Boost.Algorithm Boost.Algorithm provides algorithms that complement the algorithms from the standard library. Unlike Boost.Ra...