6. Developing Web Applications with PHP and Firebird 6. Developing Web Applications with PHP and Firebird In this chapter, we are going to create a web application using the PH...
4.2. Setting Up for Firebird in Visual Studio 2015 4.2.1. The Installation Process Steps Testing the Installation 4.2. Setting Up for Firebird in Visual Studio 2015 To prepa...
4. Developing Firebird Applications with Microsoft Entity Framework 4. Developing Firebird Applications with Microsoft Entity Framework This chapter will describe the process o...
Chapter 1. About the Firebird 4.0 Language Reference 1.1 Subject Chapter 1. About the Firebird 4.0 Language Reference This Language Reference describes the SQL language support...
11.4 CURRENT_TIME 11.4 CURRENT_TIME Available inDSQL, PSQL, ESQL TypeTIME WITH TIME ZONE Caution Data type changed in Firebird 4.0 from TIME WITHOUT TIME ZONE to TIME WIT...
1.5 Contributing 1.5 Contributing There are several ways you can contribute to the documentation of Firebird, or Firebird in general: Participate on the mailing lists (see htt...
3.3. Path to the Client Library 3.3.1. Developing for Embedded Applications 3.3. Path to the Client Library We will place the necessary library in the fbclient folder located...
8. How to get help 8. How to get help The community of willing helpers around Firebird goes a long way back, to many years before the source code for its ancestor, InterBase® 6...
3.3. Installing multiple servers 3.3. Installing multiple servers Firebird allows the operation of multiple servers on a single machine. It can also run concurrently with Fireb...