Integrations Integrations Neuron can integrate with various Cloud platform via MQTT and REST including EMQX Cloud, AWS, Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure to seamlessly s...
安装与初始配置 安装与初始配置 在Windows或Linux下安装和熟悉OpenERP这套软件系统只需半个钟,三两下就能搞定。 首先得在服务器(windows或Linux或Macintosh)上面安装好OpenERP软件系统和数据库。 * 您还有其他可达到目标选择,就是安装web server (普通的PC Server 即可),然后就可以使用...
需求分析和规划 规划方法 需求分析和规划 Requirements analysis and planning are the keys to the success of an implementation. At this stage, you should set up a management team to define the cost...