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  • WebSocket

    WebSocket 开启 WebSocket 事件到 Action 的映射 Action 处理 emit broadcast socket 对象 事件数据 socket.io io 对象 设置 path 设置 adapter socket.io client 校验用户登录 聊天代码示例 SockJS 配置 sockjs 对象 ...
  • 多态关联

    多态一对多关联(V5.0.4+) 多态关联定义 获取多态关联 自定义多态关联的类型字段 多态一对一关联(V5.0.8+) 版本 功能调整 5.0.8 支持多态一对一关联 5.0.4 支持多态一对多关联 多态一对多关联(V5.0.4+) 多态关联允许一个模型在单个关联定义方法中从属一个以上其它模型,例如用户可以评论书和文章,但评论表通常都...
  • Best practices for creating dashboards

    Best practices for creating dashboards Before you begin A dashboard should tell a story or answer a question Dashboards should reduce cognitive load, not add to it Have a monitor...
  • DSIP

    DSIP What is considered as DSIP Current DSIPs Past DSIPs DSIP Process Create GitHub Issue Send Discuss Mail Work On It, Or Create Subtask For It Close After It Done An Exam...
  • Best practices for creating dashboards

    Best practices for creating dashboards Before you begin A dashboard should tell a story or answer a question Dashboards should reduce cognitive load, not add to it Have a monitor...
  • Best practices for creating dashboards

    Best practices for creating dashboards Before you begin A dashboard should tell a story or answer a question Dashboards should reduce cognitive load, not add to it Have a monitor...
  • Best practices for creating dashboards

    Best practices for creating dashboards Before you begin A dashboard should tell a story or answer a question Dashboards should reduce cognitive load, not add to it Have a monitor...
  • NLP

    [experimental] Natural Language Processing functions stem lemmatize synonyms [experimental] Natural Language Processing functions Warning This is an experimental feature tha...
  • 推荐编码规范

    推荐编码规范 命名规范 语法规范 书写规范 参考 推荐编码规范 下面是 Cocos Creator 开发团队使用的编码规范,收录在手册里以供游戏开发者和工具开发者参考。 命名规范 当我们为变量, 函数和实例命名时, 使用 camelCase 命名法. // bad var FOOBar = {}; var fo...
  • Best practices for creating dashboards

    Best practices for creating dashboards Before you begin A dashboard should tell a story or answer a question Dashboards should reduce cognitive load, not add to it Have a monitor...