书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.018 秒,为您找到 838 个相关结果.
  • Roadmap

    Roadmap 2021 H1 Core framework Edge side list-watch Custom message transmission between cloud and edge Support multi-instance cloudcore Integration and verification of third-par...
  • Roadmap

    Roadmap 2021 H1 Core framework Edge side list-watch Custom message transmission between cloud and edge Support multi-instance cloudcore Integration and verification of third-par...
  • The MNIST Loss Function

    552 2021-03-31 《The fastai book》
    The MNIST Loss Function Sigmoid SGD and Mini-Batches The MNIST Loss Function We already have our independent variables x —these are the images themselves. We’ll concatenate t...
  • 00 README

    2177 2021-03-31 《The fastai book》
    The fastai book The fastai book Citations The fastai book 这些notebook包含了对深度学习,fastai ,以及PyTorch 的介绍。fastai是一个用于深度学习的分层API;要了解更多信息,请阅读the fastai paper 论文。本repo的所有内容的版权都属于Jeremy...
  • 使用Paddle-TensorRT库预测

    使用Paddle-TensorRT库预测 内容 Paddle-TRT使用介绍 Paddle-TRT样例编译测试 Paddle-TRT INT8使用 Paddle-TRT子图运行原理 Paddle-TRT性能测试 测试环境 测试对象 ResNet50 MobileNet ResNet101 Inception v3 使用Padd...
  • 使用Paddle-TensorRT库预测

    使用Paddle-TensorRT库预测 内容 Paddle-TRT使用介绍 Paddle-TRT样例编译测试 Paddle-TRT INT8使用 Paddle-TRT子图运行原理 Paddle-TRT性能测试 测试环境 测试对象 ResNet50 MobileNet ResNet101 Inception v3 使用Padd...
  • Conclusion

    472 2021-03-31 《The fastai book》
    Conclusion Conclusion For our first non-computer vision application, we looked at recommendation systems and saw how gradient descent can learn intrinsic factors or biases abou...
  • torch.utils.cpp_extension

    torch.utils.cpp_extension torch.utils.cpp_extension torch.utils.cpp_extension.``CppExtension ( name , sources , \args , **kwargs* )[source] 创建setuptools.Extension 为C ++。 一个创...
  • FAQ

    FAQ FAQ Below is a list of frequently asked questions and common issues encountered. Issue Embeddings query errors like this: SQLError : no such function : json_extrac...
  • Conclusion

    498 2021-03-31 《The fastai book》
    Conclusion Conclusion In problems that are at first glance completely different (single-label classification, multi-label classification, and regression), we end up using the s...