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  • 4 主机原型

    4 主机原型 概述 批量编辑选项 4 主机原型 概述 本节展示了主机上低级别发现规则的主机原型。主机原型是低级别发现期间创建的真实 主机 的基础。 显示的数据: 列 说明 名称 主机原型的名称,显示为蓝色链接。单击名称可打开主机原型配置表单。如果主机原型属于链接模板,则模板名称将显示在主机名称之前,作为灰色链接。单击模板链接将打开链...
  • Raspberry Pi 4

    Create a Raspberry Pi 4 cluster Prerequisites Set up the system Prepare SD card and boot up the Raspberry Pi Review network configurations (Optional) Provision SSH keys (Option...
  • Raspberry Pi 4

    Create a Raspberry Pi 4 cluster Prerequisites Set up the system Prepare SD card and boot up the Raspberry Pi Review network configurations (Optional) Provision SSH keys (Option...
  • 4. Specification

    Specification Specification This chapter explains PRQL’s semantics: how expressions are interpreted and their meaning. It’s intended for advanced users and compiler contributor...
  • 4 API tokens

    216 2023-05-03 《Zabbix v6.4 Manual》
    4 API tokens Overview 4 API tokens Overview This section allows to create and manage API tokens. You may filter API tokens by name, users to whom the tokens are assigned, e...
  • 4 Discovery status

    189 2023-05-03 《Zabbix v6.4 Manual》
    4 Discovery status Overview 4 Discovery status Overview This widget displays a status summary of the active network discovery rules. All configuration parameters are common...
  • 4 Trigger severity

    224 2023-05-03 《Zabbix v6.4 Manual》
    4 Trigger severity 4 Trigger severity Trigger severity defines how important a trigger is. Zabbix supports the following trigger severities: SEVERITY DEFINITION COLOR Not class...
  • Day 4: Afternoon

    33. Android 34. Exercises
  • Day 4: Morning

    30. Welcome 31. Concurrency 32. Exercises
  • RC4

    TiDB RC4 Release Notes TiDB PD TiKV TiSpark Beta Release TiDB RC4 Release Notes 2017 年 8 月 4 日,TiDB 正式发布 RC4 版。该版本对 MySQL 兼容性、SQL 优化器、系统稳定性、性能做了大量的工作。性能方面重点优化了写入速度,计算任务调度支持优...