Systemd Adding the Emperor to systemd Logging Putting sockets in /run/ Socket activation One service per app in systemd Systemd uWSGI is a new-style daemon for systemd . ...
Web server integration Nginx Apache Lighttpd (Experimental) Twisted Tomcat CGI Cherokee (Obsolete) Mongrel2 (Obsolete) Web server integration uWSGI supports several met...
WSGI Servers Gunicorn Waitress uWSGI WSGI Servers Stand-alone WSGI servers typically use less resources than traditional webservers and provide top performance [1] . Guni...
Build a dynamic proxy using RPC and internal routing step 1: build your mapping function step 2: building a routing table Build a dynamic proxy using RPC and internal routing...
Socket activation with inetd/xinetd Inetd Xinetd Socket activation with inetd/xinetd Inetd and Xinetd are two daemons used to start network processes on demand.You can use th...