AWS Glue Data Catalog Configurations Avoid creating excessive versions Glue Data Catalog specific configs Other references Running AWS Glue Catalog Sync for Spark DataSource Ru...
Encryption Encrypt Copy-on-Write tables Note Encryption Since Hudi 0.11.0, Spark 3.2 support has been added and accompanying that, Parquet 1.12 has been included, which brings...
Baidu Cloud Baidu BOS configs Baidu BOS Credentials Baidu bos Libs Baidu Cloud In this page, we explain how to get your Hudi job to store into Baidu BOS. Baidu BOS configs ...
Metadata Table Metadata Table Supporting Multi-Modal Index in Hudi Metadata table indices Enable Hudi Metadata Table and Multi-Modal Index in write side Use metadata indices fo...
Disaster Recovery Savepoint Restore Runbook Related Resources Videos Disaster Recovery Disaster Recovery is very much mission-critical for any software. Especially when it ...
File Layouts Configs File Layouts The following describes the general file layout structure for Apache Hudi. Please refer the tech spec for a more detailed description of the...
Alibaba Cloud Aliyun OSS configs Aliyun OSS Credentials Aliyun OSS Libs Alibaba Cloud In this page, we explain how to get your Hudi spark job to store into Aliyun OSS. Aliy...