Introduction Activating the Modifier Types Introduction Dynamic paint is a modifier and physics system that can turn objects into paint canvases and brushes, creating Color At...
Introduction Growing Styling Animating Rendering Introduction Hair type particle system can be used for strand-like objects, such as hair, fur, grass, quills, etc. Particle...
Introduction Connect Physics Menu Common Options Settings Limits Objects Override Iterations Introduction Constraints (also known as joints) for rigid bodies connect two...
Introduction Classification Deforming Bones Control Bones Introduction Bones are the base elements of armatures. The visualization of bones can be set in the Armatures Viewpo...
Introduction Sculpt Mode Sculpting Options Auto-Masking Keyboard Shortcuts Introduction Sculpt Mode is similar to Edit Mode in that it is used to alter the shape of a drawin...
Introduction The Weighting Color Code Normalized Weight Workflow Introduction Vertex Groups can potentially have a very large number of associated vertices and thus a large nu...
Introduction About UVs Getting Started Workflow Introduction The first step is to unwrap your mesh. Generally, it is recommended to start unwrapping when only minor adjustmen...
Introduction Modeling Modes Introduction Mesh Modeling typically begins with a Mesh Primitive shape (e.g. circle, cube, cylinder…). From there you might begin editing to creat...
Introduction Collections Naming and Nesting Color Tagging Introduction In Blender, objects are not directly part of the scenes. Instead, they all get stored in a main databas...