使用编辑器(Using the Editor) 使用编辑器(Using the Editor) 当你打开一个项目或者创建一个新的项目后,Qt Creator将会转换到编辑模式下。你应该可以在左边看到你的项目文件,在中央区域看到代码编辑器。左边选中的文件将会被编辑器打开。编辑器提供了语法高亮,代码补全和智能纠错的功能。也提供几种代码重构的命令。当你使用...
Advanced Techniques Performance of QML Advanced Techniques Performance of QML QML and Javascript are interpreted languages. This means that they do not have to be processed by...
Requirements Steps These instructions are for setting up a MS Visual Studio 2013 based development environment for DB4S on 64-bit Windows. The steps and screenshots were all do...