由于微信原生 api 并不支持 class,所以除 Store 外,App ,Component 和 Page 相关的类都要遵循下面的约束: 不要在 class 的类方法中使用箭头函数,但可以在类方法内部使用(主要因为箭头函数将 this 绑定死了 Class,无法转到 Object 上) 不可以这样用: class MyPage ...
Why to observe? Why to observe? MobX is based on concept of observables which may feel like magical tiny boxes (as everything unknown), but it's fairly simple actually. If yo...
学习 React & Redux React: Redux: 注意: 学习 React & Redux React: React.js Introduction For People Who Know Just Enough jQuery To Get By [阅读] React.js Fundamentals [视频] 13 thi...