Custom Widgets on iOS A Tabris.js widget consists of a JavaScript API and a native client side implementation. This document describes how to create the native implementation fo...
A.9. Devuan A.9. Devuan Devuan is a fork of Debian started in 2014 as a reaction to the decision made by Debian to switch to systemd as the default init system. A group of use...
2 SLA Overview Configuration SLA reports 2 SLA Overview Once the services are created, you can start monitoring whether their performance is on track with service level agr...
Implementation guides Pact workshops - from 0 to Pact in ~2 hours Supported Languages Implementation guides Pact workshops - from 0 to Pact in ~2 hours These workshops walk...
Usage of loss functions Available loss functions mean_squared_error mean_absolute_error mean_absolute_percentage_error mean_squared_logarithmic_error squared_hinge hinge cat...