书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.025 秒,为您找到 325 个相关结果.
  • Encryption

    Encryption Configuration Basic Usage Encrypting A Value Decrypting A Value Encryption Configuration Basic Usage Configuration Before using Lumens's encrypter, you ...
  • Encryption

    Encryption Configuration Basic Usage Encrypting A Value Decrypting A Value Encryption Configuration Before using Lumen’s encrypter, you should set the APP_KEY option of ...
  • 安装

    安装 安装 1.通过Composer 安装(packagist )。有可能找不到3.0 版本,解决方案移步#81 。 composer require "hhxsv5/laravel-s:~3.7.0" - vvv # 确保你的composer.lock文件是在版本控制中 2.注册Service Provider(以下两步二选一...
  • 中间件

    HTTP 中间件 简介 建立中间件 Before / After 中间件 注册中间件 全局中间件 指派中间件给路由 可终止中间件 HTTP 中间件 简介 建立中间件 注册中间件 可终止中间件 简介 HTTP 中间件提供一个方便的机制来过滤进入应用程序的 HTTP 请求,例如,Lumen 默认包含了一个中间件来检验用...
  • 4. Installation

    Installation Installation This package relies on Swoole extension. Make sure you've installed Swoole before using this package. Using this command to install it quickly: pec...
  • Responses

    HTTP Responses Basic Responses Response Objects Attaching Headers To Responses Other Response Types JSON Responses File Downloads Redirects Redirecting To Named Routes ...
  • Validation

    Validation Introduction Validation Quickstart Defining The Routes Creating The Controller Writing The Validation Logic Displaying The Validation Errors Customizing The Flashed...
  • 开发文档

    _ _ _____ | | | |/ ____ | | | __ _ _ __ __ ___ _____ | | ( ___ | | / _` | '__/ _ `...
  • Responses

    HTTP Responses Basic Responses Response Objects Attaching Headers To Responses Other Response Types JSON Responses File Downloads Redirects Redirecting To Named Routes ...
  • Encryption

    Encryption Configuration Basic Usage Encrypting A Value Decrypting A Value Encryption Configuration Basic Usage Configuration Before using Lumen's encrypter, you s...