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  • Load-Balancing Proxy for HA

    Using Impala through a Proxy for High Availability Overview of Proxy Usage and Load Balancing for Impala Choosing the Load-Balancing Algorithm Special Proxy Considerations for Cl...
  • SmartStack

    Consul vs. SmartStack Consul vs. SmartStack SmartStack is a tool which tackles the service discovery problem. It has a rather unique architecture and has 4 major components: Zoo...
  • SmartStack

    Consul vs. SmartStack Consul vs. SmartStack SmartStack is a tool which tackles the service discovery problem. It has a rather unique architecture and has 4 major components: Zoo...
  • 3.1. 进程管理与安全类

    进程管理与安全类 ca-base <dir> chroot <jail dir> cpu-map <"all"|"odd"|"even"|process_num> <cpu-set>… crt-base <dir> daemon deviceatlas-json-file <path> deviceatlas-log-level <value> ...
  • 反向代理

    通过反向代理使用 TiDB Dashboard 操作步骤 第 1 步:获取实际 TiDB Dashboard 地址 第 2 步:配置反向代理 自定义路径前缀 第 1 步:修改 PD 配置指定 TiDB Dashboard 服务路径前缀 第 2 步:修改反向代理配置 下一步 通过反向代理使用 TiDB Dashboard 你可以使用反向...
  • 反向代理

    通过反向代理使用 TiDB Dashboard 操作步骤 第 1 步:获取实际 TiDB Dashboard 地址 第 2 步:配置反向代理 自定义路径前缀 第 1 步:修改 PD 配置指定 TiDB Dashboard 服务路径前缀 第 2 步:修改反向代理配置 下一步 title: 通过反向代理使用 TiDB Dashboard ...
  • 2.3. Environment variables

    2.3. Environment variables 2.3. Environment variables HAProxy 's configuration supports environment variables. Those variables are interpreted only within double quotes. Varia...
  • Ingress Controllers

    Ingress Controllers Additional controllers Using multiple Ingress controllers What’s next Ingress Controllers In order for an Ingress to work in your cluster, there must be ...
  • SmartStack

    Consul vs. SmartStack Consul vs. SmartStack SmartStack is a tool which tackles the service discovery problem. It has a rather unique architecture and has 4 major components: Zoo...
  • Optimizing routing

    Optimizing routing Baseline Ingress Controller (router) performance Ingress Controller (router) performance optimizations Optimizing routing The OKD HAProxy router scales to o...