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  • 第2章 入门

    1617 2019-05-24 《SQLite权威指南》
    第2章 入门 从哪得到SQLite 在Windows上使用SQLite 获得命令行程序 获得SQLite的动态链接库(DLL) 在Windows环境下编译SQLite源代码 用Microsoft Visual C++构建SQLite DLL 用Microsoft Visual C++构建SQLite CLP 使用SQLite数据库 Shell...
  • Distinctive Features

    568 2020-01-30 《SQLite Document》
    Distinctive Features Of SQLite Distinctive Features Of SQLite This page highlights some of the characteristics of SQLite that are unusual and which make SQLite different from m...
  • 前言

    1415 2019-05-24 《SQLite权威指南》
    前言 前言 2000年春天,当我刚开始编写SQLite时,根本没想到它会在编程社区受到如此强烈的认可。今天,有成百万的SQLite拷贝在默默地运行,在计算机中,或在不同公司生产的各种各样的小设备中。你可能已经在无意识的情况下使用过SQLite,在你的手机、MP3或机顶盒里可能就有SQLite。在你的计算机里也可能至少会有一个SQLite的拷贝,它可能...
  • Speed Comparison

    533 2020-01-30 《SQLite Document》
    Database Speed Comparison Executive Summary Test Environment Test 1: 1000 INSERTs Test 2: 25000 INSERTs in a transaction Test 3: 25000 INSERTs into an indexed table Test 4: 10...
  • Installing and Testing

    Installing and Testing Installing with git Running tests Optional dependencies Installing and Testing Most users will want to simply install the latest version, hosted on Py...
  • Frequently Asked Questions

    671 2020-01-30 《SQLite Document》
    Frequently Asked Questions Frequently Asked Questions How do I create an AUTOINCREMENT field? What datatypes does SQLite support? SQLite lets me insert a string into a datab...
  • 8+3 Filenames

    633 2020-01-30 《SQLite Document》
    SQLite And 8+3 Filenames Changing Filesystems Adjusting SQLite To Use 8+3 Filenames Database Corruption Warning SQLite And 8+3 Filenames The default configuration of SQLite ...
  • Backup and Restore

    Backup and Restore Backing up rqlite Generating a SQL text dump Backup isolation level Automatic Backups Amazon S3 Other configuration options Restoring from SQLite Performin...
  • Backup and Restore

    Backup and Restore Backing up rqlite Generating a SQL text dump Backup isolation level Requesting a VACUUMed copy Automatic Backups Amazon S3 Other configuration options Res...
  • How Database Corruption Can Occur

    636 2020-01-30 《SQLite Document》
    Overview 1. File overwrite by a rogue thread or process 1.1. Continuing to use a file descriptor after it has been closed 1.2. Backup or restore while a transaction is active 1....