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  • Apache Camel

    799 2021-07-08 《Quarkus v1.7 Guides》
    Apache Camel on Quarkus Apache Camel on Quarkus Apache Camel is the Swiss knife of integrating heterogeneous systems with more than a decade of history and a lively community ...
  • 11.Shiro 对 Spring 的支持

    11.Shiro 对 Spring 的支持 11.1 Shiro 与 SpringBoot 的整合步骤 11.1.1 添加项目依赖 11.1.2 编写 ShiroConfig.java 文件 11.1.3 实现自定义 Realm 11.1.4 配置过滤器 11.2 运行机制和源码分析 11.2.1 ShiroConfig.java 配置文件与 Be...
  • Integrate with Apache Kafka and Apache Flink

    Integrate Data with Apache Kafka and Apache Flink Step 1. Set up the environment Step 2. Create a Kafka changefeed Step 3. Write data to generate change logs (Optional) Step 4. ...
  • Apache Spark

    Pulsar adaptor for Apache Spark Spark Streaming receiver Prerequisites Maven Gradle Usage Pulsar adaptor for Apache Spark Spark Streaming receiver The Spark Streaming rece...
  • Apache SkyWalking

    Apache SkyWalking Configure tracing Deploy the SkyWalking Collector Deploy the Bookinfo Application Accessing the dashboard Generating traces using the Bookinfo sample Explore...
  • Apache SkyWalking

    Apache SkyWalking Installation Option 1: Quick start Option 2: Customizable install Usage Apache SkyWalking Apache SkyWalking is an application performance monitoring (APM)...
  • Apache Ranger

    Apache Ranger Apache Ranger Apache Ranger™ 是一个用于管理和监控 Hadoop 平台复杂数据权限的框架。Apache Ranger 从2.0版本开始支持Ozone鉴权。但由于在2.0中存在一些bug,因此我们更推荐使用Apache Ranger 2.1及以后版本。 你需要先在你的 Hadoop 集群上安装 A...
  • Apache Ranger

    Apache Ranger Apache Ranger Apache Ranger™ is a framework to enable, monitor and manage comprehensive data security across the Hadoop platform. Apache Ranger has supported Ozone...