书栈网 · BookStack 本次搜索耗时 0.024 秒,为您找到 29718 个相关结果.
  • GitHub source

    GitHub source Before you begin Create a Knative Service Create GitHub Tokens Create Event Source for GitHub Events Verify Create Events Cleanup Feedback GitHub source G...
  • GitHub source

    GitHub source Before you begin Create a Knative Service Create GitHub Tokens Create Event Source for GitHub Events Verify Create Events Cleanup GitHub source GitHub Sour...
  • GitHub 集成

    167 2023-11-03 《Zadig v2.0 文档》
    GitHub 集成 步骤 1:新建 GitHub OAuth 应用程序 步骤 2:配置 GitHub OAuth 应用程序 步骤 3:获取 Client ID、Client Secret 信息 步骤 4:将 Client ID、Client Secret 集成到系统 GitHub 集成 本文主要介绍在 Zadig 上如何集成 GitHub 代码...
  • 配置 GitHub

    配置 GitHub 配置 GitHub 在使用 GitHub 的环境中,你可以通过配置 Rancher 允许用户使用 GitHub 凭证登录。 先决条件: 参见外部身份验证配置和主体用户 。 使用分配了 administrator 角色(即 本地主体)的本地用户登录到 Rancher。 在左上角,单击 ☰ > 用户 & 认证 。 在左...
  • GitHub Workflow

    GitHub Workflow 1 Fork in the cloud 2 Clone fork to local storage 3 Branch 4 Keep your branch in sync 5 Commit 6 Push 7 Create a pull request Get a code review Squash commit...
  • GitHub Workflow

    GitHub Workflow 1 Fork in the cloud 2 Clone fork to local storage 3 Branch 4 Keep your branch in sync 5 Commit 6 Push 7 Create a pull request Get a code review Squash commit...
  • GitHub Workflow

    GitHub Workflow 1 Fork in the cloud 2 Clone fork to local storage 3 Branch 4 Keep your branch in sync 5 Commit 6 Push 7 Create a pull request Get a code review Squash commit...
  • Hosting on GitHub

    Hosting on GitHub GitHub Releases Continuous integration Hosting your docs on GitHub Pages Hosting on GitHub Create a repository with the same name and description as spec...
  • Work with GitHub

    Work with GitHub Before you begin Perform quick edits Branching strategy Istio community roles Work with GitHub The Istio documentation follows the standard GitHub collabora...
  • GitHub Actions

    GitHub Actions Build and run specs No specs? Testing with different versions of Crystal Testing on multiple operating systems Installing Shards packages Latest or locked depend...