Coming from Bash Coming from Bash If you’re coming from Git Bash on Windows, then the external commands you’re used to (bash, grep, etc) will not be available in nu by default...
1.4 Go开发工具 LiteIDE Sublime Text Visual Studio Code Atom Gogland Vim Emacs Eclipse IntelliJ IDEA links 1.4 Go开发工具 本节我将介绍几个开发工具,它们都具有自动化提示,自动化fmt功能。因为它们都是跨平台的,所以安装步骤之类的...
Microservice Forward Scenario summary Demonstration function goal Service design analysis Create mall project Create user rpc service Create order api service Start the serv...
Set up your environment Environmental variables Shell autocomplete Editors and IDEs VS Code JetBrains IDEs Vim and NeoVim CoC ALE Emacs LSP clients Example for Kakoune Exa...
7.2 静态分析器集成 one take,中意“一次成型”,最早指歌手录歌时一次性通过录制,不存在发现错误-修正错误-重新录制这样的往返动作。one take 在编程环境中,就是一次性通过编译,我个人很享受 one take 带来的快感。当然,要达到 one take,不仅需要扎实的编程功底,还需要工具的辅佐 —— 代码静态分析器。前面介绍的神器 YCM...