Handlers Handlers A handler function accepts a Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface and array of request options and returns a GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface that is fulfil...
Environments Overview Local Development Create a New Project Add a boxfile.yml Add Phalcon Devtools to your composer.json Start Nanobox and Generate a New Phalcon App Run the ...
405 Not Allowed 处理器 默认的 Not Allowed 处理器 自定义 Not Allowed 处理器 405 Not Allowed 处理器 Edit This Page 如果你的 Slim 框架应用程序有一个路由匹配到了当前的 HTTP 请求 URI 而非 HTTP 请求方法 ,程序将调用 Not Allowed 处理器并...
Using Responses Using Responses In the previous examples, we retrieved a $response variable or we were delivered a response from a promise. The response object implements a PS...
Using Responses Using Responses In the previous examples, we retrieved a $response variable or we were delivered a response from a promise. The response object implements a PS...