PDT零件库 原理: 零件库文件。 选项是: PDT零件库 零件库的菜单 This module is in its infancy for releases up to and including 1.1.5 and is an attempt to organize a collection of parts, as objects,...
PDT零件库 原理: 零件库文件。 选项是: PDT零件库 零件库的菜单 This module is in its infancy for releases up to and including 1.1.5 and is an attempt to organize a collection of parts, as objects,...
逻辑操作符 逻辑操作符 相比于原始的openGauss,dolphin新增了两个逻辑操作符: 新增&& 操作符。 新增|| 操作符。 && 描述:当dolphin.b_compatibility_mode 为TRUE 时代表逻辑与运算,支持的类型包含boolean型、时间型、日期型、整型、浮点型、位串型、字符型。真值表如下: a b a &...