Caffe is a deep learning framework made with expression, speed, and modularity in mind. It is developed by Berkeley AI Research (BAIR) and by community contributors. Yangqing Jia c...
Users of Kubernetes will develop a deeper understanding of Kubernetes through learning the fundamental concepts behind how APIs are designed and implemented. This book will teach r...
InfluxDB is a time series database designed to handle high write and query loads. It is an integral component of the TICK stack. InfluxDB is meant to be used as a backing store for...
The Open Policy Agent (OPA, pronounced “oh-pa”) is an open source, general-purpose policy engine that unifies policy enforcement across the stack. OPA provides a high-level declara...
Welcome to the “Implementing a language with LLVM” tutorial. This tutorial runs through the implementation of a simple language, showing how fun and easy it can be. This tutorial w...